• ICF defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential, which is particularly important in today’s uncertain and complex environment. Coaches honor the client as the expert in his or her life and work and believe every client is creative, resourceful and whole. Standing on this foundation, the coach’s responsibility is to:

    Discover, clarify, and align with what the client wants to achieve

    Encourage client self-discovery

    Elicit client-generated solutions and strategies

    Hold the client responsible and accountable

    This process helps clients dramatically improve their outlook on work and life while improving their leadership skills and unlocking their potential.

  • The ICF has a great explanation of the role:

    Provides objective assessment and observations that foster the individual’s or team’s self-awareness and awareness of others

    Listens closely to fully understand the individual’s or team’s circumstances

    Acts as a sounding board in exploring possibilities and implementing thoughtful planning and decision making

    Champions opportunities and potential, encouraging stretch and challenge commensurate with personal strengths and aspirations

    Fosters shifts in thinking that reveal fresh perspectives

    Challenges blind spots to illuminate new possibilities and support the creation of alternative scenarios

    Maintains professional boundaries in the coaching relationship, including confidentiality, and adheres to the coaching profession’s code of ethics

  • Again, the ICF offers great insight into what the client's role entails:

    Creates the coaching agenda based on personally meaningful coaching goals

    Uses assessment and observations to enhance self-awareness and awareness of others

    Envisions personal and/or organizational success

    Assumes full responsibility for personal decisions and actions

    Utilizes the coaching process to promote possibility thinking and fresh perspectives

    Takes courageous action in alignment with personal goals and aspirations

    Engages big-picture thinking and problem-solving skills

    Takes the tools, concepts, models and principles provided by the coach and engages in effective forward actions

  • No, I do not take insurance. All insurance plans are different and some insurance carriers will reimburse you but you will have to speak to your insurance directly. You can always ask your personal plan if it is something they would cover and see if you can file directly. Some clients have also found they can use their HSA dollars toward coaching appointments, which I will accept.

    Coaching is a personal investment in yourself.

  • I do my best to accommodate the needs of the client. My clients come from all over the states, so I am able to meet in person or virtual.

  • In life, there is no “one size fits all” approach. In order to make those life-changing transformations that create forward momentum for thriving, not coping in it takes time. Coaching is not about surface-level shifts. Together, we will experience unique to your needs. This can take anywhere from 3-6 months or even a year.

  • Yes! I use the WISDOM System for Coaching Kids by Adventures in Wisdom™ . Children absorb information differently than adults do. Therefore, my method is based on the Adventures in Wisdom program that teaches self-esteem, confidence, resiliency with storytelling. We will breakdown and analyze the story together. This is done in one on one coaching, small group, or a workshop setting.

  • Rates are discussed via initial consultation. Coaching is a personal investment in self or child. Schedule your free consultation and we can take the first step in making sure we are a good fit for one another.

    1:1 Adult or Child

    Online or In Person Option

    Life Coaching for Kids

    I use the WISDOM System for Coaching Kids by Adventures in Wisdom™

    Group Sessions / Workshop

    In person and online options available. Workshops are on a rotating schedule please confirm you are not signing up for a workshop you or your child have already completed.




Obstacle vs. Emotion


Mindset Development


Purpose & Possibilities

