Together we explore

what works for you.


Life Coaching for Kids


A Child Life Coach is an effective resource for both children and parents. Life coaching for kids allows children to develop powerful mindset skills to embrace the ups and downs of growing up, to think for themselves, manage change and begin to plant root on a firm foundation of creating one’s resilient self. Coaching a child to become resilient begins by helping them develop their mindset skills. Continuing education in teaching how to live in their power by relying on self-confidence, taking responsibility, and power thinking gives energy so they can thrive in future dreams and possibilities. I use the WISDOM System for Coaching Kids by Adventures in Wisdom™

Workshops - Single Session

2024 Workshop Schedule

January: Values & Goal Setting January 21st 3pm Ages 9-12

February: Love Myself, Love My Identity February 11th 3pm Ages 9-12

We will explore our personal (hobbies, interest and experiences) and social (age, where you were born, what language(s) you speak) identity and how it's a journey we all take in life, with twists and turns that shape us into who we are today and who we'll be tomorrow.

March: Mindful Eating, Mindful Exercise

This workshop is focused on mindfulness in everyday life. We will explore mindfulness as it relates to eating, exercise and stress. Many of us eat on the go - in our cars, in front of the TV or with friends at a restaurant. The mindfulness exercises we will work on will help youth tune into all the sensations while eating to make it a more meaningful experience to avoid mindless eating which causes more stress long term.

Mindful exercise blends two important de-stressing methods: movement (preferably outdoors!) and mindfulness. Exercise, even if it’s walking, is shown to steady your heart rate, and reduces stress-inducing hormones like cortisol and adrenaline.

April: Anger & Anxiety

In this workshop we work to understanding anger: Techniques for Managing Teenage Angst
Anger is a natural response to the stressors in our lives, and everyone experiences it at some point, even those who are generally calm. Although anger can be overwhelming, it does not have to consume us. The good news is that there are many ways for teenagers (or anyone, really) to recognize their triggers, understand when they are being pushed, and develop techniques to manage their emotions. By focusing on learning anger management activities, teens can set themselves up for success and a brighter future.

May: What’s Fair?- A look into “Fairness”

June: TBD

July : Resiliency - skills for managing mistakes, overcoming fear, moving past disappointment and failure, and handling change.

August: Standing Up to Peer Pressure- It is important to know what you want and how to respond before you find yourself in a tough situation.

September: Phones, Technology & Social Media

October: Gremlin ReMix for Negative Self-Talk

November: Gratitude

1:1 Coaching Adults and Children

As your resiliency coach, we work together to uncover your resilient self, from the inside out. We navigate daily obstacles while you become rooted in confidence, energy, clarity and action to tackle the uncertainty and sometimes unexpected transitions (military) life brings. We manage the present and embrace the future with ideas such as Needs and Values Alignment, Refueling our Energy, Preparedness and Recovery, Simplify, Declutter & Reduce Stress, Forward Momentum.

Parent Workshops

Parenting is hard. There is no way around it. Just when we think we have it in the box, we enter a new stage, a friend who hates us, a food they won’t eat anymore, an attitude of entitlement. You name it. There is a delicate balance on this rollercoaster ride.

Why not hash it out with others in the same boat, on the same river looking for the golden paddle.

It is not lost on us that our own life experiences mold our parenting, when we want it to and even when we don’t. These “workshops” give us a chance to dive in headfirst together and prepare our way forward.

  • If your child/ren have attended a workshop this is a good opportunity to take a deeper look at the skills, they have learned and how to continue providing healthy guidance in the teachable moments with the skills they have already been introduced. (Not a requirement)

  • Opportunity to dialogue with other parents and caregivers embracing this chapter of parenting and equipping their children with the mindset skills we ourselves probably did not have.

  • Chance for families to explore how life coaching workshops and 1:1 works. Just like a sports coach helps children develop the skills, confidence, and ability to thrive on the court, a life coach for kids helps children develop the skills, confidence, and ability to thrive in life.

Benefits of Coaching:

  • improve self-care & confidence

  • build stronger boundaries

  • simplify self-talk

  • create forward momentum with small steps

  • begin to thrive not cope

“Today is the LIFE you talk about living one day in the future”

— unknown



Obstacles vs. Emotions


Mindset Development


Purpose & Possibilities

