“As a tree sway in the wind but remains rooted to the life-giving earth, may we as adults have the flexibility to deal with the needs of our children, recognizing the unique personalities of each one, while providing a firm foundation of truth from which they all can grow”

- Diana C. Derringer

  • Parent Testimonal

    Rooted Resiliency Coaching has provided a safe place for my daughter to explore topics that youth today are up against. My daughter has learned how to overcome adversity through problem-solving and increased self-confidence. I highly recommend Rooted Resiliency Coaching. Amanda B.

  • Maybe you want to launch a business

    Quote source

  • Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more

    Quote source

  • Maybe you have a creative project to share with the world

    Quote source

Life Coaching for Kids

How to “Root” Your Sprouts

I use the WISDOM System for Coaching Kids by Adventures in Wisdom™

Is it ever too early to start empowering our children with the tools they need to reach their dreams?

No. It is never too early. The question is HOW do we empower our children. That is where I come in.

As a parent (of 3) myself, as my oldest (now 10) has climbed the ranks of childhood I begin noticing I can have as many conversations at home as I want but the gap will still exist outside of our homes, in our schools, and communities.

It is one thing to understand forward momentum, another to act on it.

So, here I am.

I am a resiliency coach.

I specialize in working with military spouses and families whose lives are notoriously uprooted. Together we create forward momentum to thrive, not cope. Together we uncover tools that unleash limitless strength to quickly adapt to challenges and remain rooted when chaos arises.

These same tools and methods are available to our children. Why are we waiting until we are adults? Why not start now while their brains are still developing and create the firm foundation for rooting these skills to rely on well into adulthood? You see the truth is, no matter how hard we try, we CAN NOT give our children strong self-esteem. Self- esteem is a CHOICE. However, by offering life coaching and the tools available to them starting at an early age, we CAN help them develop positive self-confidence preparing them to overcome and adapt in the future through experience.

We tell our children to stand up for themselves, have opinions, don’t let the world tell you who to be but be a good citizen. However, the truth is, while our intentions are true, instead of telling them EMPOWER them with a voice, to be assertive, to have integrity, to stop the negative self- talk and stand in their own power.

Coaching for kids requires a different approach than working with adults. Our children are still developing and growing, so they absorb information differently than teens and adults. Therefore, my method is based on the Adventures in Wisdom™ life coaching program that teaches things like self-esteem, confidence, inner power, and such through storytelling. Allowing your child to work with a life coach at a young age, provides them with access to tools and resources that will benefit them year after year. 

Benefits of Life Coaching for Children using the WISDOM System for Coaching Kids by Adventures in Wisdom™ :

Familiar Resource for Parents and Schools

Children needs tools

Coaching now helps children develop mindset skills that carry into adulthood

  • Create Strong Self-Esteem

  • Build Self- Confidence

  • Root your Resilient Self


  • Self- Esteem

    Parents see a child struggling with low self-esteem- thinking no one likes them, getting down on themselves

  • Change

    A child is going through a big change such as a move, new school, divorce

  • Set them up to be successful

    Setting a foundation for sucess in sports, school, life

  • Confidence

    Some children shy away from new things and experiences or can struggle with confidence.

  • Self-Leadership

    Jump-start on developing self-leadership skills

  • Peer Pressure

    When they see their child making poor choices with peers.

  • Accountability

    When there are constant struggles at home around homework, chores or other responsibilities.


  • Building Self-Esteem & Confidence

    I use the WISDOM System for Coaching Kids by Adventures in Wisdom™

    Learning to Develop Soaring Self-esteem and Confidence

    Be Yourself and Honor Your Uniqueness

    Develop Unstoppable Self-confidence

    Mastering the Secret behind Self-esteem and Self-confidence

    Conquer the Day-to-day Ups & Downs & Create Daily Mastery

  • Making Good Decisions

    I use the WISDOM System for Coaching Kids by Adventures in Wisdom™

    How to Be “The Boss of Me”

    What You Do When No One is Looking

    Understanding Your Impact on Others

    Understanding Your Impact on You

    Choosing What You Want for You

    Say “Yes” to You and “No” to Peer Pressure

  • Facing Fears & Failures

    I use the WISDOM System for Coaching Kids by Adventures in Wisdom™

    Learning from Mistakes and Let them Go

    Create Courage and Bust Outside of Your Comfort Zone

    Learn to “Put it in a Box” and Keep on Goin’

    Learning to Embrace Change and Thrive

    How “if…then” Keeps You from Happiness

  • Creating a Vision for the Future

    I use the WISDOM System for Coaching Kids by Adventures in Wisdom™

    Turn Your Vision into Action!

    Using Attraction and Action to Manifest Your Goals

    Winning in Your Mind Creates Winning in Life

    Program Your Mind to Reach Your Goals

    How an Attitude of Gratitude Prepares You for Your Dreams

How It Works

I use the WISDOM System for Coaching Kids by Adventures in Wisdom™. We learn through stories.

Together we breakdown and analyze the story. This can be done one-on-one with the coach, or in a small group/workshop setting. Wisdom Coaching is about

partnering with kids in a thought provoking and creative process to help kids use the power of their thoughts and the power of their minds to create happiness, confidence, and

success in their lives. And it works!


Small Group

Work Shop


  • CEO & Founder Rooted Resiliency Coaching LLC

    Associates in Developmental Psychology

    MA Organizational Leadership & Development

    Board Certified Coach through Institute for Life Coaching

    Certified Adventures in Wisdom Coach

    Certified Leadership Consultant

    Proud Military Spouse with 3 Beautiful Children


Meet the Coach

I am a proud military spouse and the mother to 3 beautiful children. I am a Board Certified Coach through the Institute for Life Coaching and hold a BA in Developmental Psychology and a Masters in Organizational Leadership and Development. I have decades of experience in both for and non-profit business leadership and have worked with people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities in a wide variety of settings.


Frequently Asked Questions


I would like my child to see a life coach, but I don't know if they'd be interested. 

I encourage you to trust your instincts as a parent and talk with your child about this option. Some already have an idea of what a “coach” is and the same idea can be applied to a life coach. They may have unsure or indifferent, but that can be indicative of the sphere of fear that they’ve been operating within, which is preventing them from reaching their full potential. If you can gently encourage them to try something outside their comfort zone, it will likely be a great benefit to them.

I'm the parent, shouldn't I be able to guide them on my own?

Life coaching is about mindset development. Just as some kids need academic support beyond what they do with their parents, some children could benefit from a life coach. There are several reasons parents may feel it a benefit to hire a life coach to work with their child, including but not limited to building self-esteem, handling big changes or transitions, dealing with anxiety, stress or even shyness, confidence, decision making or handling peer pressure.

This is a normal part of growing up, my child will toughen up and get through this.

Unmanaged emotions and stressors will only resurface later on in life. Giving your child the tools that they need now will not only help them navigate their teen years but can empower them to be productive and fulfilled adults.

What else?

My job as a coach is to continue to bridge the gap. Bridging the gap means reaching our educators, school boards, small groups and beyond to partner and empower youth to build self-esteem, build emotional intelligence, and boost confidence. We'll work to build positive mindset shifts and behavior patterns that they can take with them into adulthood. It is life coaching for children in a simplified way that makes it easier for them to learn and put into action. Give them the foundation to root and they will thrive.