Resources for

Youth & Parents

Parent Resources


When we slow down and provide kids time and space outside connected with nature, WE (parents/adults) get untold benefits too. Maybe not 100% of the time, but they are true most of the time. Nature refuels our physical and emotional energies and allows us to connect to the natural around us without renting out our brain space.

Instagram - 1000hoursoutside

Outdoor Kids in an Inside World by Steven Rinella Outdoor Kids in an Inside World

Reclaim Your Time


Mental Diet Tracker- where does all my time go? Redeeming Your Phone Time

Pornography Plan

Do you have a Porn Plan? One option to check out: Greta Eskridge #gretafightsporn. The average age of exposure is 11. If you are seeking resources, here is somewhere to start. Opening the conversation is knowing it is coming and being prepared for it.

How to talk to your kids about Porn

A Student's Guide to Culture

Video for Teens Brain Heart World

Protect Young Eyes: Protect Young Eyes and The Protect App

Good Pictures Bad Pictures

If you have a tween/teen on IG or think they are ready, please check out this toolkit

Youth Resources


How to be A Person


Learning to do something you haven’t done before is self-esteem.

Being someone who knows how “to do things” creates resilience which is even more important than the actual skill you are learning to do.

Some ideas to start:

Boil an egg, make pancakes (large group), plunge a toilet, stop a leak, reset a power surge, sort, wash and fold laundry, mow the grass, read a map, pump up bike tires, check oil in the car, change out light bulbs, chop, peel prep food,

While these may seem very basic, boring even, these skills teach ownership, confidence, empowerment, problem solving that will last a lifetime while bringing connection in later years.

Mindfulness Activities

Having a MindFULL is not the same as being Mindful understand the difference.

  • Be physically mindful - what is going on around you? How is your breathing? If your breathing is rapid practice blowing bubbles or pinwheel breathing (slowly blow on a pinwheel)

    • Do a body scan- sit quietly, take slow breaths, focus on how your body feels. start with your feet, legs, all the way up to the top of your head (feel the breath move in and out of your lungs)

  • Be emotionally mindful - practice gratitude and positive affirmations (journal)

  • Be mentally mindful - practice doing NOTHING this is very recharging. Sit or lay, relax, keep an open mind and find a way to keep yourself comfortable, doing NOTHING.

    • sensory bins are another option for younger children (rainbow rice, water beads, beans, sand)

You know, adults can do this too, take a moment and try it out, what do you have to lose?


Listening to music is relaxing. Most of the time. Music is a remedy for anxiety and a place to empower oneself through the words of others. Music releases dopamine makes you feel happy and increases your energy. So, turn on the tunes.